DNS GoDaddy

godaddy configuration

This instruction is for ones who have already setup their account and have bought a domain in Godaddy. If this is not your case please set your account and configure your domain into it. We do not support this configuration and you need to follow official Godaddy instructions to do that. Then follow the instructions below.


Let's say that you have your front URL as frontxyz.cangooroodns.com.br and wants to use the URL b2b.yourcompany.com to it. in this case you will configure a subdomain of your domain. This a simple CNAME configuration, just do the following:

  • access your DNS configuration

  • add a new CNAME record

    • Type: CNAME

    • Host: b2b

    • Points to: frontxyz.cangooroodns.com.br

    • TTL: 1/2 h

In a few hours you'll be able to access your front using the URL b2b.yourcompany.com.

root domain

If you want to have the front configured in your root domain, please follow the instructions below.

  • access your DNS configuration

  • find the fowarding section and do the following configuration

  • add a new CNAME record

    • Type: CNAME

    • Host: www

    • Points to: frontxyz.cangooroodns.com.br

    • TTL: 1/2 h

In a few hours you'll be able to access your front using yourcompany.com and www.yourcompany.com.