
others configuration

There are different requirements depending on your configuration and goal. If you want do have the front as a subdomain of your domain you just need to add a CNAME configuration.


For example if you want to configure b2b.yourcompany.com as the URL for you front just add a CNAME record in your DNS administrator tools as:

  • type: CNAME

  • name: b2b

  • value: frontxyz.cangooroodns.com.br

But if you want to have your root address such as yourcompany.com as the URL for your front there are some extra configurarion:

  • check if your DNS tool / system supports CNAME flattening

  • check if you can redirect the root domain to another domain

general root configuration

In general if you are not usign Cloudflare we recommend the following configuration for root URL:

  • if possible redirect your root domain (eg: yourcompany.com) to www.yourcompany.com

    • if not possible use your host service to create your own redirect page. Some references here and here.

  • create a CNAME record pointing tyour www to frontxyz.cangooroodns.com.br

In a few hours you 'll be able to access your front using yourcompany.com and www.yourcompany.com.