FAQ-Revalidate Token

How to renew an expired token

Sometines you need to use an expired token in your booking flow, if you have this need please contact our commercial team to activate this module.

Once it is active, if you send an expired token in the getBookingConditions request you will receive a different response detailed below:

Rooms not found

There is not avaliability for the hotel. In this case you need to direct the user to choose another hotel.

Response flag: RoomsConditions: RoomsNotFound.

Same rooms found

The same room is available and can be booked. Please bear in mind that you need to use the token and RoomId returned in the getBookingConditions response to do the booking.

Response flag: RoomsConditions: SameRoomsFound.


The hotel does not have the same room but another option is available. In this case, you have to show all the information (room description, board description, price, tax and other information) to be accepted by the end user. Also you need to use the new RoomId and token.

Response flag: RoomsConditions: RoomsFoundWithChanges.